Lou Merloni

Eligible Seasons: 1998-2004
Best Season: 2004

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Hitting Stats
1998 Boston Red Sox2B391069610276011510207212.94.8$439K
1999 Boston Red SoxSS4314012618327011300168212.03.3$487K
2000 Boston Red Sox3B40139128104111201810224116.64.9$723K
2001 Boston Red SoxSS52159146213910031321316316.43.9$736K
2002 Boston Red Sox2B842221942848122418123520525.54.4$1.02M
2003 San Diego Padres3B65179151204172117233322120.84.7$893K
2004 Cleveland Indians1B712141902555121428124114325.54.7$1.05M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1998 Boston Red Sox2B3910696.281104.277.343101.337.37587.351.71893.689.010$439K
1999 Boston Red SoxSS43140126.25493.248.30788.298.33376.308.64081.605.008$487K
2000 Boston Red Sox3B40139128.320116.313.34198.331.43899.406.77898.737.000$723K
2001 Boston Red SoxSS52159146.267100.265.30692.304.39793.375.70392.678.021$736K
2002 Boston Red Sox2B84222194.24794.247.332100.331.39292.371.72496.702.021$1.02M
2003 San Diego Padres3B65179151.272104.272.362109.360.36487.348.72697.708.007$893K
2004 Cleveland Indians1B71214190.289107.286.343102.338.42698.401.769100.739.021$1.05M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1998 Boston Red Sox------C/D-C/D-D/D---$439K
1999 Boston Red Sox----D/D-D+/D-C-/D-C/D-D+/D$487K
2000 Boston Red Sox--------D+/D+----$723K
2001 Boston Red Sox------A+/D-A/D-A/D---$736K
2002 Boston Red Sox----A+/D-A-/D-B/D-D+/D---$1.02M
2003 San Diego Padres----D/D-D/D-C/DA/D-D/D-$893K
2004 Cleveland Indians----A/D-D-/D-D/D---D-/D-$1.05M

The entire playing career for Lou Merloni is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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