Batting Statistics
Stat Description
$/PASalary dollar per PA_162
1B/100ABSingles per 100 at-bats
1B/100AB#Log 5 normalized ratio of 1B/100AB versus pitcher with historical average stats
2B/100ABDoubles per 100 at-bats
2B/100AB#Log 5 normalized ratio of 2B/100AB versus pitcher with historical average stats
3B/100ABTriples per 100 at-bats
3B/100AB#Log 5 normalized ratio of 3B/100AB versus pitcher with historical average stats
AB/162At-Bats prorated over a 162-game season
AB/HRAt-Bats per Home Run
AB/SOAt-Bats per Strike Out (players with 0 SO excluded from search)
AVGBatting Average (H/AB)
AVG+Percentage above the League Batting Average (100 = league average)
AVG#Log 5 normalized AVG versus pitcher with historical average stats
BBBase-on-Balls (Walks)
BB/100PAWalks per 100 plate appearances
BHBunt Hits
Contact RateRatio of making contact ((AB - SO)/AB)
CSCaught Stealing
GB/FBGroundball to Flyball Ratio
GIDPTimes Grounded into Double Play
GIDPOGrounded into Double Play Opportunities
HBPHit By Pitch
HBP/100PATimes hit by pitch per 100 plate appearances
Hit RateBatting average of balls in play ((H - HR)/(AB - HR - K))
HRHome Runs
HR/100ABHome Runs per 100 at-bats
HR/100AB#Log 5 normalized ratio of 1B/100AB versus pitcher with historical average stats
IBBIntentional Walks
IHInfield Hits
IsoPIsolated Power (SLG - AVG)
L STRKLongest hitting streak of the season
NPNumber of Pitches Seen
NP/PANumber of Pitches per Plate Appearance
OBPOn-Base Percentage (H + BB + HBP)/(AB + BB + HBP + SF)
OBP+Percentage above the League On-Base Percentage (100 = league average)
OBP#Log 5 normalized OBP versus pitcher with historical average stats
OPSOn-Base Percentage + Slugging Percentage
OPS+Percentage above the League OPS (100 = league average)
OPS#Log 5 normalized OPS versus pitcher with historical average stats
PAPlate Appearances
PA/162Plate Appearances prorated over a 162-game season
PH ABPinch-hit at-bats
RRuns Scored
RBIRuns Batted In
RCRuns Created (((Hits + BB + HBP - CS - GIDP) * (TB + .26 * (BB - IBB + HBP) + .52 * (SH + SF + SB))) / (AB + BB + HBP + SH+ SF))
RC27Runs Created per 27 Outs (RC / ((AB - Hits + CS) / 25.5))
SBA/100SBOStolen base attempts per 100 opportunities
SBStolen Bases
SB/100SBAStolen bases per 100 attempts
SecASecondary Batting Average ((tb - hits + bb + sb - cs) / ab)
SFSacrifice Flies
SLGSlugging Percentage (Total Bases/AB)
SLG+Percentage above the League Slugging Percentage (100 = league average)
SLG#Log 5 normalized SLG versus pitcher with historical average stats
SOStrike Outs
SO/100ABStrike outs per 100 at-bats
SPDOur internal rating ranking player speed versus peers
STRKCurrent hitting streak
TBTotal Bases (H + 2B + 3B*2 + HR*3)
NoteNormalized stats are compared to league average of all position players (i.e. 2004 National League non-pitchers)
Pitching Statistics
Stat Description
$/IPSalary dollar per IP_162
BBBase on Balls Allowed (Walks Allowed)
BB/9Walks Per 9 Innings ((BB * 9) / IP)
BB/9#Log 5 normalized BB/9 versus batter with historical average stats
BB/100PAWalks allowed per 100 plate appearances
BFPBatters Faced
CGComplete Games
EREarned Runs Allowed
ERAEarned Run Average ((ER * 9)/IP)
ERA+Percentage Below League Earned Run Average (100 = league average)
ERA#Log 5 normalized ERA versus batter with historical average stats
ERCComponent ERA (multi-step formula)
ERC+Percentage Below League ERC (100 = league average)
ERC#Log 5 normalized ERC versus batter with historical average stats
GGames Pitched
GB/FBRatio of groundballs to flyballs allowed
GIDPGroundball Double Plays Induced
GSGames Started
HHits Allowed
HBPBatters Hit By Pitch
HBP/100PABatters hit by pitch per 100 plate appearances
Hit RateAllowed batting average of balls in play ((H - HR)/(AB - HR - K))
HRHome Runs Allowed
HR/100ABHome Runs allowed per 100 at-bats
HR/9Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings ((HR * 9) / IP)
HR/9+Percentage below League Average Home Runs Allowed per 9 Innings (100 = league average)
HR/9#Log 5 normalized HR/9 versus batter with historical average stats
IBBIntentional Walks issued
IPInnings Pitched
IP/162Innings Pitched prorated over a 162-game season
IP/GInnings Pitched Per Game
IRInherited Runners
IRSInherited Runners that Scored
KStrike Outs
K/100ABStrikeouts per 100 at-bats
K/9Strikeouts per 9 Innings ((K * 9) / IP)
K/9#Log 5 normalized K/9 versus batter with historical average stats
K/BBStrikeouts per Walk
NP/GNumber of Pitches thrown per Game
NP/PANumber of Pitches thrown per Plate Appearance
OAVBatting Average Allowed (H/(H + IP * 3))
OAV+Percentage Below League Batting Average Allowed (100 = league average)
OAV#Log 5 normalized OAV versus batter with historical average stats
OBPOn-Base Percentage allowed
QSQuality Start (6 or more IP in a game and allows at most 3 runs)
RRuns Allowed
SLGSlugging Percentage allowed
Strand RateRatio of runners allowed that didn't score ((H + BB - ER)/(H + BB - HR))
SVOSave Opportunities
Walk RateRatio of walks versus at-bats and walks (BB/(AB + BB)
WHIPWalks + Hits per Inning ((H + BB) / IP)
WHIP+Percentage Below League WHIP (100 = league average)
WHIP#Log 5 normalized WHIP versus batter with historical average stats
WPWild Pitches
NoteNormalized stats are compared to league average of all pitchers (i.e. 1978 American League pitchers)
Fielding Statistics
Stat Description
+Number of superior defensive plays
-Number of inferior defensive plays
C ERAThe team ERA with the catcher behind the plate
CSRunners Caught Stealing
CS% (or CSPCT)Percentage of runners caught stealing (CS/(SB+CS))
DPDouble-plays involved in
Fielding GradeOur internal rating ranking player FPct# versus peers
FPct (Fld%)Fielding Percentage ((A + PO) / (A + PO + E))
FPct#Log 5 normalized fielding percentage versus historical average at position.
GPGames Played (G)
GSGames Started
InnInnings played in the field
PBPassed Balls
PKRunners Picked Off
Range Factor (RF)(PO + A) / G
RRFRelative range factor
Range GradeOur internal rating ranking player RRF versus peers
SBAStolen Base Attempted
For even more information regarding normalization info, view the MLB league averages.