Knowledge Base Information

Hardball Dynasty uses our Knowledge Base system to manage the frequently asked questions. Check it out here! We add to it frequently thanks to questions we receive via customer support. If you can't find an answer via the page-specific help or in the knowledge base, submit a customer support ticket and we'll consider adding it. The section below is a comprehensive list of every question/answer. To search or filter the data, please use the knowledge base.


Frequently Asked Questions

Category Question Answer
Amateur Draft How does the Amateur Draft work exactly? <p>The logic behind the Amateur Draft is based on the draft settings each franchise has selected as well as the draft board those settings have generated.</p> <p>The amount a franchise spends in High School Scouting and/or College Scouting impacts the number of players scouted from that sector. The more you spend, the more players you'll scout and the more accurate your projections will be. However, a franchise with a smaller budget can scout a player that a franchise with a higher budget doesn't. The ratio of college/high school scouting budgets will also impact the number of players chosen from that sector. For instance, if you have $14M allotted to college scouting and only $7M to high school scouting, your draft results should result in more college players taken than high school players since you'll have scouted more players from that sector. But, you'll still take a high school prospect if he's clearly better than his college counterpart. What you see on your draft board is what you should expect to draft.</p> <p>The positions listed with each player is what your scouting department (HS or college) projects him to play at the big league level. For example, a better scouting department will project a SS coming out of high school to be more likely to play 3B at the big league level.</p> <p>Each draft consists of the same allotment of players at each position. The quality varies from draft to draft, however.</p> <p>Each draft also consists of a different set of 32 franchise draft settings. As a result, drafts vary. If everyone goes for a high number of starting pitchers one draft, then you might not be able to meet your target count because the available list of starting pitchers may be drafted.</p> <p>When it comes to meeting a position target count, if the only thing remaining is partially scouted players at that position, your department will take a gamble and draft an unscouted player. This may pan out or it may not.</p> <p>If a player's signability indicates he'll only sign in the first round or first five rounds and you draft him in the proper round, then he's considered a safe candidate. If drafted later than that, then he probably won't sign.</p> <p>Players with leverage will ask for higher demands and take their time to sign, so don't panic. You'll always hear back as to whether they want to sign, ask for more money, or have decided to pursue another path.</p> <p>College seniors that are drafted but do not sign will become free-agents the following season. First round picks that don't sign result in a compensation pick for the drafting franchise.</p> <p>Currently, non college seniors that are drafted but don't sign are not in the following season's draft class. We plan on adding this at some point in the future.</p>
Amateur Draft Team A is seeing a draft pick that projects to a 100 OVR rating. I allocated more money to my draft budget than Team A for this year’s draft, why can’t I see this player too? The amount of money assigned to your scouting departments increases your franchise’s ability to locate and scout talent. The more you spend, the more players you’ll discover and the more accurate your scouting reports will be. However, it doesn’t mean you’ll always see the best players available. Some of these players can slip through the cracks and some will be scouted by other franchises who have spent less money on scouting. But the percentages will always be in your favor.
Amateur Draft This season's amateur draft crop look weak. Shouldn't something be done about that? Our Amateur Draft talent pools mimics real life in that it varies season to season. Some seasons may have a strong top 50 without much depth after that, while other seasons may have much greater depth across all positions. The bottom line is that each season brings a new crop, and the crop is never the same.
Amateur Draft What happens if I don't have enough money to sign my 1st round draft pick? You will receive a supplemental pick the next season. If the player is a college Senior he will become a FA next season.<br> <br> *Note you only receive supplemental picks for unsigned first round draft picks.
Amateur Draft What is slot money? Each year, the big league commissioner's office puts together a list of recommendations for how much a player should expect as a signing bonus based on their pick in the draft. This is a recommendation that most players/agents follow, although some choose to exceed the slot money recommendations based on skill and/or leverage.
Amateur Draft Why are my draft picks taking forever to sign? Draft picks are always evaluating their future, some player’s might want to finish college, play professional hockey, continue playing college ball, or skip everything entirely and try to make a name for themselves in pro baseball. There are different signability statuses that will influence whether or not that player will pursue baseball or go in a different direction. You may get responses outlining their thoughts and the best way to handle it is to meet the demands of the pick and wait it out, continually increasing the offer will not increase his decision speed. You can also change your draft settings to only pick players who are open to signing and playing professional baseball. In the end, some picks just take more time to decide on what they want to do with their future than others. Much like in real life, they need to evaluate what is best for them.
Amateur Draft Why did I draft a guy I didn't scout? If you reach a point in the draft where you don't have any scouted players at that position the AI will choose a candidate from the pool that you have not scouted.
Amateur Draft Why did the AI sign some of my draft prospects and then add them to my RL roster? If your RL roster is not complete (at least 25 players), the AI will sign enough of your draft prospects to fill out the roster. Before the AI does anything though, you will receive an email a few days before RL is scheduled to begin. This email warns you that RL will be starting soon and you should make sure your roster is complete, otherwise the AI will sign the draft picks.
Arbitration There are guys showing up in my arbitration report who still have option years. What's going on? Arbitration eligibility and minor league options are two different things, although most of the time they coincide.<br> <br> Arbitration eiligibility is simple in HBD: anybody with between 3 and 5 years of big league experience is arbitration eligible.<br> <br> Minor league options are trickier. When a player is added to the 40-man for the first time, his options begin ticking. Each season that he is demoted from the big leagues or removed from the 40-man will result in the loss of an option year. If he doesn't get sent down in a season, he doesn't lose an option.<br> <br> Here's a link with more details of how options work: <a href="" target="_blank">MLB Options</a>
Boxscores All of my boxscores are ?'s on the World Office screen. Why? This is done so that you can view the play by play without knowing the final boxscore. If you don't like it, you can turn it off by selecting "NONE" just below the box that holds all of your team's scores for the day.
Boxscores How do I submit a boxscore for review in HBD? 1. Go into the boxscore and click on Review Box at the top under Boxscore Options.<br> <br> 2. You will be directed to the knowledge base. Click on Submit Ticket.<br> <br> 3. Submit a new ticket. This will automatically include the boxscore in the ticket for Customer Support to review.
Boxscores When should a pitcher be credited with a save? A pitcher earns a save when he meets each of the following criteria: <ul> <li>He is the last pitcher in a game won by his club.</li> <li>He didn't qualify for the win.</li> </ul> and he meets at least one of the following criteria: <ul> <li>He enters the game with a lead of no more than three runs and pitches at least one inning.</li> <li>He enters the game with the potential tying run either on base, at the plate, or in the on-deck circle.</li> <li>He pitches effectively for at least three innings.</li> </ul>
Coaches Does a major league bench coach have any effect outside of when the manager is ejected? Bench coaches don't just have an impact when they take over for the manager (i.e. you). They impact all of the ratings and performance of the players.<br> <br> The main ratings that the bench coach has an effect on for position players are hitting, pitch calling, and base-running. For pitchers at the minor league level they take over (to a lesser extent) the bullpen coaches role.<br> <br> At the minor league level bench coaches play a role in all facets of player development. That is why they are one of the most desired and highly compensated components of your coaching staff.
Coaches Why did a coach I was trying to sign go with another franchise without giving me a chance to increase my offer? Coaches may sign a competing offer at any time. The further it is from the end of the negotiating period, the higher the likelihood of them letting other suitors know of the change in status so they can increase offers. Furthermore, when a coach gets an offer that is much higher than his other offers, it also increases his likelihood of making a quick signing.
Coaches Why is one of my coaches asking for a promotion to a different role, even though he doesn't have high enough ratings for that role? In certain situations coaches will demand a role that they may not be qualified for yet. This is similar to a coach in real life asking for a different role. It can be viewed as a job promotion.
Free-Agency During the free-agency period at the beginning of this season, I signed a player who was an unsigned 1st round draft pick from the prior season. He demanded and I signed him to a 1-year $3.4M big league contract. What happens next year? His contract will be automatically renewed at the maximum rate of $500K.
Free-Agency I declined my team option with a player, will I get a compensation pick if he is a Type A/B free agent? You will not receive a compensation pick for a player if you decline a team option. The only way that you will receive a compensation pick for a player with a declined option is if the player declines his player option. You will also receive a compensation pick if the player declines his side of a mutual option.
Free-Agency What are Type A and Type B free-agents? During each offseason (after the world rolls over), players are ranked within their position group. These groups include C, 1B/OF/DH, 2B/3B/SS, SP and RP. Any free-agent in the top 20% of their position is considered a Type A free-agent and any free-agent in the top 40% is considered a Type B free-agent. If another team signs a Type A free-agent prior to the end of the free-agent negotiation period, the player's former team receives compensation. The former team receives the signing team's first round pick (or second round pick if the pick is one of the first 16 picks). If it's a Type A or a Type B free-agent, the former team receives a supplemental pick between the first two rounds of the draft. Shortly after the free-agent negotiation period ends, the supplemental round picks will be re-ordered so that each eligible franchise has at least one pick before they have an additional pick.
Free-Agency Why is a 6-year minor league free-agent asking for so much money? The high demands are due to the fact that owners in HBD allow players to become 6-year minor league FAs that never would in real life. As a result, the demands are based on ratings, age and experience. We agree that it is very strange to see a 6-year FA asking for a contract in the millions, but it would also be very strange to see one player (6 year minor leaguer) asking for a minor league contract while another (major league FA) with the same skillset asks for $3M. Players that would fit into the category of a true 6-year minor league free-agent (a player that is not a prospect and has exhausted his time with a franchise) ask for the realistic amount. As we add the Rule 5 draft in the future, we hope this will reduce these higher than expected demands.
International Prospects I keep getting the response “I don’t want to get booed out of the stadium”. What does this mean and how can I stop it? If you are receiving this response from an agent it means you are offering the player a contract that is too lucrative. The player has evaluated the offer and has reached the conclusion that he could never live up to it, which will disappoint the loyal fans of your club and result in him getting “booed out of the stadium”. Some suggestions to combat this kind of response: · Lower the overall value of the contract · Instead of offering a Major League deal try offering a Minor League deal or a Minor League deal w/ STI · Reduce the number of contract years · And/Or reduce the amount of the bonus that you are offering
International Prospects Why did an international prospect I was trying to sign go with another franchise without giving me a chance to increase my offer? When an international prospect receives his first offer, his negotiation timetable is outlined. This means that he will make a decision on which offer to accept no later than date X. As he receives offers during that timeframe, his chance of accepting an offer increases the closer he gets to date X. This means that the chance of him and his agent informing other franchises of better offers is higher earlier in the process. This varies from player to player, agent to agent. Some are more patient and will drag the negotiating cycle to the end. Others will be more impatient and accept an offer more quickly. Each negotiation is different, although most follow the same pattern of back and forth negotiating until a decision is made. Furthermore, when a player receives an offer that is significantly higher than his other offers on the table, this also increases his likelihood of making a quick signing.
Long-Term Contracts When are bonuses paid out? When an international prospect or amateur draft prospect is signed, his bonus is immediately taken out of the Prospect Payroll budget. When a free-agent is signed, the bonus is immediately taken out of the Player Payroll budget. If a player is signed to a long-term contract, the bonus won’t be taken out until the following season and is part of that season’s player payroll budget. Bonuses are also non-transferrable.
Long-Term Contracts Why can't I offer a long-term contract to some minor league players? Contract extensions may only be made to players in the minor leagues that will be major league free-agents or 6-year minor league free-agents.
Long-Term Contracts Why does it take so long for my free agent / international prospect / coach to respond to my offer? Negotiations are processed every four hours. You will only receive an email update if the status of the offer has changed. For example, if you made a new offer to a free-agent, he’ll let you know he received it. If the next 2 cycles go by and he’s still mulling his options, you won’t receive an email until the status of the offer has changed.
Long-Term Contracts Why is a player only being paid $54,500 for a big league contract? There's a difference between a big league contract and the league minimum salary. A player may sign a big league contract but not be on the big league club. The big league contract means he must be on the 40-man roster and, therefore, be paid the 40-man roster minimum of $54,500. Typically, this is the type of deal that some of the premier amateur draft prospects will sign. It provides them with some leverage, in that their option clock starts ticking sooner and they should reach the majors quicker. If he's promoted to the big leagues, then his salary increases to the big league minimum (currently $327,000).
Manager's Office I clicked on the “Show Recs” button but I don’t agree with the recommendations. Why are they wrong? The recommendations are strictly AI suggestions. They are in place to give you a quick idea of what could be reasonably expected. They are based on the underlying ratings that are best suited for the specific area of the game.
Manager's Office I think I'm having an issue with the defensive replacements. For instance, the catcher that I have as number 1 on the defensive replacements list keeps being replaced late in the game with the guy who is number 2 on the list. Why is this happening? When it comes time for defensive replacements, the manager scans the hierarchy starting at the top slot and works his way down. The first player he runs across that is better defensively than the current player will be brought in for defensive purposes. He evaluates who is better by looking at the underlying ratings related to that position. The manager always checks defense in the order of the defensive spectrum where the toughest position is checked first. If you run into a situation where you don't want a player being pulled for defensive purposes, you can always uncheck his Defensive Replacement box on the Player Settings page.
Manager's Office My shortstop is making a boatload of errors, way more than a big league shortstop should make. Why is that? It's all in the ratings and how he compares to the expected big league averages at the position. The best place to compare a player with the expected big league average is on the Player Settings page in the Manager's Office. From there, click on the player's position link and the Position Assignment page will be opened. This page lists the expected fielding ratings for each position along with your player ratings. The more below average the player, the worse his fielding stats will be.
Manager's Office What is the point of Spring Training? Spring training serves several different roles. 1: It allows players more time for development with the big league coaching staff. 2: It allows the owner to get a better feel for how HBD works and how his players fare against tougher competition. 3: It's definitely wise not to play your starters more than half a game because they will build up fatigue as the season progresses. Also, you'll want to make sure your pitch counts are lower during Spring Training so that your starting pitchers aren't going 7 innings (the recommendations do this automatically during spring training). 4: It's very similar to real life spring training in that you want your prospects to play more and you can also use the time to evaluate non-roster invitees and fringe-type players to see if they are worth keeping on the big league club or sending to the minors. 5: Spring training is also a good time to showcase potential trade bait, determine shortcomings for trade proposals, etc. At some point in the future, we'll be adding a rust-like component to the game so that if players don't get enough PT in spring training, they'll start off slow but it's not in the game yet.
Manager's Office Why are all of my pitchers so heavily fatigued in the minors? If you notice your pitching staff getting heavily fatigued at the minor league levels, it usually has to do with the composition of your pitching staff. For instance, if you have starting pitchers giving you less then 5 innings a game, then you know your bullpen is overworked. It's important to assemble a rotation with pitchers than can give you decent innings or else the entire pitching staff will see the snowball effect. The best way to see if this snowball effect is happening to you, view a few pitchers' game logs for the entire season. If they continue to enter the game at 0%, then you know that you are in trouble. To construct a decent pitching rotation, you must make a combination of moves. You can promote and demote players, sign minor league free-agents, make trades, waiver claims, etc. You may also take advantage of tryout camp players. Sometimes, it's very important to have some extra arms around at certain levels of the minors even if they aren't prospects. These additional arms can be placed on the inactive list. From there, the AI is smart enough to shuffle pitchers to and from the inactive list to preserve pitchers' arms. These tryout camp players are essentially filler -- they exist to eat innings and prevent your true prospects from being overworked. The lower the minor league level, the more pitchers you need on your inactive list. If you have a properly constructed pitching staff at Low-A, you need 4 or 5 relievers on the inactive list. At AAA, you can probably get by with 1 or 2.
Manager's Office Why can't I set my minor-league lineups? Your minor-league lineups are not available until after spring training, for a couple of reasons. One is that you won't play any minor-league games until after the ML regular season starts (rookie-league play does not start until after the mid-season Amateur Draft). Another is that you'll probably be calling up a number of minor-league players to spring training and returning them after spring training; it could be confusing to make both minor-league and spring-training lineups available at the same time.
Manager's Office Why did pitcher A start instead of pitcher B? I moved pitcher B into the rotation spot scheduled to pitch next? When a game concludes, the starting pitcher for the next scheduled game is locked in and cannot be changed so that the opposition can prepare for the upcoming game. As manager, you can continue to modify your pitching staff, but the pitcher with the baseball next to his name will still make the next start. The only way to have the locked in SP not start the following game is if he is removed from the team. In that case, the first listed pitcher will start the next game.
Players How are ratings affected when I call up and then send down a player from the ML to AAA? The ratings hit is generally pretty minimal and most players can bounce back relatively quickly. The decrease has a lot to do with the makeup and temper ratings. Potential playing time also plays a role, as well as your coaching staff between levels.
Players How do these minor league options work? Minor league options are one of the most confusing items in baseball. Here's a quick rundown of how they work in HBD: All players start with 3 at the beginning of their career. The first time a player is added to a club's 40-man roster, his option clock starts ticking. Each season in which the player is demoted from the big league club or is removed from the 40-man roster results in the loss of an option year. If he's on the big league club for a season and isn't demoted, he doesn't burn an option. If he's in the minors an entire season but his 40-man status doesn't change, he doesn't burn an option. During a season in which a player has options, he may be demoted/recalled at will. Once his options are gone, he must go through waivers before he may be demoted or removed from the 40-man roster. Once a player has 5 years of big league experience, options are meaningless because he can opt for free-agency rather than accept a trip to the minors.
Players How does a player gain big league years of experience? Is service time a part of it? Yes. We track service time in days but do not display this info anywhere to avoid confusion. Each day a player is on the big league roster during the regular season (even if he's on the DL), he accrues a day of service. At the end of the season, if a player has 172 days or more, he is given a year of big league experience. If not, the days roll over into the next season. These years are what dictate arbitration eligibility and free-agent elgibility.
Players I just exercised an option that I didn’t manually commit to, what’s going on? All players with team or mutual options will have their option automatically picked up if not rejected by the end of the arbitration hearings.
Players I just had a player decline in ratings because of a promotion. Why did that happen and what does that mean? The timing of the promotion can lead to a ratings decrease. It is based on a lot of factors but the major ones include the coaching staff, playing time availability, his readiness (as stated above), his work ethic, makeup rating, and temper.
Players Injuries Players can suffer a number of injuries during the season much like in real life. Injuries in Hardball Dynasty range from minor to career threatening. Off-the-field injuries are also possible. To view the comprehensive list please <a href="">click here</a>.
Players My SS has been making a ton of errors but he looks to be an above average fielder. Why is that? The best place to compare your player with the league average is on the Position Assignment page. If you click on a player's position on the Player Settings page in the Manager's Office, you'll see the list of big league averages at each position. This is the best reference point for determining where your player will fall in terms of fielding production. It also has recommendation buttons so you can see where your advance scouts believe the player should be playing.
Players None of my RBI stats are showing up when viewed in split-stat mode. Why not? The engine does not track the handedness of the pitcher who you got the RBI off of, so RBI will never show when viewing split stats.
Players What happens to projections at age 27? A player who has not reached his projections by 27 may still reach his projections but he won't automatically hit them when he turns 27, there are quite a few more things involved than just the player's age. Projected ratings are in place to let you know how a player is expected to develop. There are a lot of factors that make this projection. If a player comes down with a serious injury, it may take him longer to reach his projections, if he reaches them at all. Your coaches also have a lot to do with how fast your prospects will develop.
Players When a switch hitter comes up to bat, for ratings purposes is he considered as a lefty against righty pitchers and a right against a lefty? It is always assumed that he will bat opposite of what the pitcher throws.
Players Why can't I see projected ratings for players? You can only see projected ratings for players in a world in which you are managing a team, and only after budgets have been set (so that your scouting budget is set and the accuracy of your scouts' projections has been determined).
Playoffs Does being in or winning the playoffs help improve my player's development? If so, in what areas? Playoff experience is factored into a player's development progress. It affects a player's makeup rating which, in turn, affects all ratings during player development. For the most part it is a function of playing time, but making the playoffs does give a slight boost to the makeup rating. <br> <br> So, for teams that make the playoffs vs. teams that don't there may be a slight boost to development because those players now have playoff experience.
Playoffs I just had a player get injured during the playoffs. Can I adjust my roster? No, playoff roster changes can only be made in between rounds of the playoffs once the next round has been scheduled. This means you may have to play shorthanded for the remainder of a round should an injury occur during a playoff series.
Playoffs Player A is on my ML roster, why can't I see him during the playoffs? Player's are not automatically added to the playoff roster. You must add the player to your playoff roster in order to use them in playoff games. Keep in mind that roster moves during the playoffs can only be made in between rounds.
Playoffs Why am I playing my next playoff game on the road even though I should have homefield advantage? The second round of the playoffs is best 3 out of 5 where the team with the higher seed receives home field advantage in games 3-5. Since there is no travel fatigue or home field advantage, the fact they play the first two games on the road does not matter.
Playoffs Why aren't starting pitchers listed for the first game of each playoff series? The starting pitchers for the first game of each playoff series isn't listed because it's one of the few times an SP isn't locked in. We allow owners to modify their rotation before each round of the playoffs. Most of the time, you can assume it's their #1 but that's not always the case.
Playoffs Why is the first round of the playoffs best of 3 instead of best of 5? In order to have 6 teams from each league in the playoffs, we had to keep the first round short. We viewed this as being more important than having only 4 teams get in. That's why it's so important to be a #1 or #2 seed, so you get a bye for the first round of the playoffs.
Prizes I made the playoffs in my HBD world and believe I should have won some type of prize. Where the heck is it? Prizes (credits or reward points) are issued after the conclusion of the big league world series.
Prizes What are the prizes for winning in Hardball Dynasty? Prizes are based strictly on the big league level and are broken down as follows: 1. World Series Winner will receive 5,250 Reward Points. 2. World Series Runner-Up will receive $25 in credits for a future HBD season. 3. League Championship Runner-Up (2) will receive $12 in credits for a future HBD season. 4. Division Championship Runner-Up (4) will receive $8 in credits for a future HBD season. 5. First-Round Runner-Up (4) will receive $4 in credits for a future HBD season.
Roster Moves I have a player on my team who is on the DL, showing (-2), but it won't let me remove him from the DL. Why not? This will happen if the player has recovered from his injury but has not completed his stint on the DL. For instance, a player may be injured for 45 days and put on the 60 day DL, when he is ready to come off the DL he will have had -15 days displayed. <br> Some injuries can also take longer to heal than originally expected, and that may account for some additional time on the DL.
Roster Moves I promoted Player A to my ML roster because one of my ML players was injured. Now that the ML player recovered, I'm ready to demote Player A back to the minors. How do I make sure that he doesn't receive any demotion penalties on his ratings? The player must be placed on the DL and the other player must be promoted in the same cycle (1 cycle = 1 HBD day). If that happens you should not see the ratings hit.
Rule 5 Draft How do I know if a player I have is eligible for the Rule 5 draft? Any player on a franchise with 4 or more years of pro experience, not on the club’s 40-man roster and not signed beyond the current season is eligible to be drafted.
Rule 5 Draft How does the Rule 5 draft work? <p>Baseball's Rule 5 Draft is a draft unique to the world of baseball. It was designed to prevent franchises from keeping talent in the minors. Players with at least 4 years of pro experience, not on the club's 40-man roster and not signed beyond the current season are exposed to the draft. To protect players from going into the draft, they must be added to the 40-man roster before the Rule 5 Roster Freeze following Free Agency. During the Roster Freeze, all eligible players form the draft class. At that time, you can rank all of your players and fine tune your settings. As a word of note, though, there are several stipulations to drafting a player. </p> <ol> <li>You can't draft a player from your own franchise.</li> <li>You can draft a maximum of 10 players.</li> <li>You can only draft enough players to fill your 40-man roster. For example, if you have 38 players on your 40-man roster, you can only select two players.</li> <li>You must have enough available player payroll to cover the $50,000 it costs to draft a player plus his salary. If his salary is below the big-league minimum, it will be bumped up to the big-league minimum.</li> <li>And, of course, all of your draft settings will be adhered to.</li> </ol> <p> NOTE: We have made 2 changes to MLB Rule 5 rules in that we strictly use 4 as the minimum years of experience to be eligible instead of 3 or 4 being the minimum which is based off of when they came into the league. The other change is that if a player has a multi-year contract, they are not eligible to be drafted. This way nobody gets stuck with a player with a massive, multi-season contract that they might not be able to get out of.</p>
Rule 5 Draft I didn't draft a player in the first round but I drafted a guy in a later round. How did that happen? <p>If a team is very close to the salary cap, they may not have enough money to draft a player until one of their players are drafted off of their team. If you are within $357k of your player payroll budget, you can't draft a player because you need at least $327k for the player's salary plus the $50k draft fee.</p> <p>For example, if your team has $315k left in your player payroll budget when it is your turn in the first round, you won't be able to draft. If a player from your team is drafted by another franchise after your turn and the removal of that player's salary puts you to at least $357k of remaining player payroll, you could take a player in a future round.</p>
Rule 5 Draft What do the different colored icons mean on the Edit Rosters page? <p>The red Rule 5 icon means that he will be exposed in this season's Rule 5 Draft because he has at least 4 years of pro experience, is not on the 40-man roster and is not signed beyond this season.</p> <p>The green Rule 5 icon means he is a Rule 5 pick this season and must remain on the team's big league squad or be offered back to his original team. You have until spring training to add this player to your big league team or else he'll be automatically offered back to his original franchise. If it's after spring training and he's been acquired via waiver claim or trade, you have 3 days (72 hours) to assign him to your big league team or else he'll be automatically offered back to his original franchise.</p> <p>The blue Rule 5 icon means that he is a Rule 5 pick and has been sent back to the original franchise during the offer back process where they have the option to accept or decline the return.</p>
Rule 5 Draft What happens after I draft a player? <p>After you draft a player, he will join your franchise and appear in your group of players needing assignment. You then have until the end of Spring Training in which to put him on your big league roster. If you don't put him on your big league roster by then, the player will go through the Rule 5 Offer back process.</p> <p>The first step in this process is that the player gets put onto the waiver wire. If he is claimed by another owner, then he and his special Rule 5 status are tranferred to the new club. If he isn't claimed, he will be sent back to his original franchise. They then have 2 days to either accept the offer back for $25,000 or decline it. If they accept the offer back, the team that drafted him loses all rights to the player. If the original franchise decides to decline the option, the player then loses his unique Rule 5 status and becomes a player with no additional rights. If a Rule 5 pick is acquired via trade or waiver claim, the new club has 72 hours to assign the player to his big league team or else the whole Rule 5 Offer back process starts again.</p>
Rule 5 Draft What happens if a player is currently involved in a trade offer or on the waiver wire and is selected in the Rule 5 Draft? If selected in the Rule 5 Draft, any outstanding trade offer involving the player is automatically canceled. If the drafted player is on the waiver wire, any pending claims are canceled and the player is also removed from the waiver wire.
Rule 5 Draft What happens when I offer a player back? <p>The player first is removed from your ML team and the 40-man roster and put onto waivers. At which point, neither you nor the owner of the franchise you drafted the player from can put a claim in on him.</p> <p>If he is claimed by another owner, then he and his special Rule 5 status are transferred to the new club. If he isn't claimed, he will be sent back to his original franchise.</p> <p>They then have 2 days to either accept the offer back for $25,000 or decline it. If they accept the offer back, the team that drafted him loses all rights to the player. If the original franchise decides to decline the option, the player then loses his unique Rule 5 status and becomes a player with no additional rights. Either way, if the player gets sent back to his original franchise for them to decide to accept or decline the option, the player will lose his Rule 5 status.</p> </p>If a Rule 5 pick is acquired via trade or waiver claim, the new club has 72 hours to assign the player to his big league team or else the whole Rule 5 Offer back process starts again.</p>
Rule 5 Draft Why did my Rule 5 player get offered back without me doing anything? <p>After a Rule 5 player is drafted, you have until the end of Spring Training to put him on your ML roster. If you don’t put him on your ML roster by that time, he will automatically be offered back. </p> <p>After a Rule 5 player is traded or claimed off of waivers, you have 3 days to put him on your ML roster or else he will automatically be offered back.</p>
Rule 5 Draft Why didn’t I draft as many players as I had targeted? There are a few reasons why this might have occurred: <ul> <li>You might not have enough player payroll for the $50,000 selection cost and the player’s salary.</li> <li>You may have 40 players on your 40-man roster including the players already drafted.</li> <li>All of the remaining players are ranked worse than your player rank cutoff.</li> <li>All of the remaining players cost more than your maximum salary.</li> </ul>
Rule 5 Draft Why don’t I see a player that another owner is seeing? <p>All players are technically visible to all users. A world could have over 1000 eligible Rule 5 players and are ranked according to your Rule 5 draft settings. The lower the number for the weight for a position, the more likely they will be low on the draft board.</p> <p>When the board is initially created, and when target, weight and types of the positions wanted on the settings page are changed, all players are re-ranked.</p> <p>At maximum, 500 players are shown even though a maximum of 320 players can be drafted (32 franchises with a maximum of 10 rounds). If the player falls below 500, you will no longer be able to see them (unless you change your settings).</p> <p>For example, if you gave SS’s a weight of 0, gave every other position a weight of 10, non-SS's would be at the top of the list and SS’s would be at the bottom. If there are 500 or more non-SS's eligible for the Rule 5 draft, SS’s won’t be displayed.</p>
Schedules How many days are there during the "offseason" (aka rollover period)? There are 110 HBD days during the rollover period. Injured and fatigued players recover as usual during this period.
Trades I have a player who I'm looking to trade. I received a proposal, and it shows that he &quot;Can Reject Trade&quot;, but when I look at his contract he doesn't have a no trade clause. Why can he reject the trade? Any player with 10 years of Big League experience and 5 years of experience with one club automatically has a no-trade clause. They are called 10/5 players, Barry Larkin and Cal Ripken Jr. are real life examples.
Trades I have a trade involving a player who is injured/on the DL. Will the trade still go through, or will it be nullified because the player is injured? A player can be traded while he is on the DL as long as his stint is less than 5 days.
Trades I just accepted a trade with the Cityname Franchises and he placed a player involved on the Waiver Wire. Will the trade still go through? If the player on the waiver wire is claimed before the trade is processed the trade will automatically be nullified. On the other hand, if the player is placed on the waiver wire and he is not claimed the trade will be processed as normal. Whichever occurs first, the trade completion or the waiver wire claim, will be the official move.
Trades What happens if I have more than one trade involving the same player? When the first trade is completed, the system is smart enough to cancel any other non-completed trades involving any of the players in the trade proposal. For example, Trade A contains Mike Greenwell and is accepted at 4:00 PM. Trade B also contains Mike Greenwell and is accepted at 5:30 PM. Both trades are accepted. When the trades are processed, Trade A is processed first because it was accepted prior to Trade B. As a result, Trade B is automatically cancelled because it contains a player that was involved in Trade A.
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