Record: 0-8 Conference: SUNYAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 365 SOS: 162
Division III - Fredonia, NY
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-4 Away: 0-4
AVG 476
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Melvin Kimball PF SUNY Fredonia 10-13 112 3435 2171 1167 34 144 45 1580 744 47.1 1 0 0.0 75.7
2. Earl Mitcham C SUNY Fredonia 9-12 109 3223 2045 1463 11 202 93 1484 705 47.5 3 0 0.0 77.3
3. Ray Vaquera SG SUNY Fredonia 10-13 112 3508 1896 350 191 20 38 1336 589 44.1 1087 475 43.7 63.6
4. Michael Snow PG SUNY Fredonia 69-72 118 3127 1568 183 421 1 172 1117 505 45.2 473 169 35.7 71.0
5. Charles Houpt C SUNY Fredonia 24-28 114 2657 1531 971 36 221 70 1074 497 46.3 2 0 0.0 76.9
6. David Lee SF SUNY Fredonia 2-5 109 3461 1499 675 58 29 111 1353 574 42.4 270 74 27.4 59.3
7. Joseph Reed C SUNY Fredonia 5-8 109 3397 1478 1171 47 112 127 1479 571 38.6 40 4 10.0 61.3
8. Thomas Levy SG SUNY Fredonia 51-54 115 2495 1464 267 260 4 222 1010 479 47.4 589 257 43.6 76.6
9. Willie Klem C SUNY Fredonia 14-17 114 2977 1453 865 53 127 67 1042 507 48.7 2 0 0.0 80.1
10. Jeffrey Gibson SG SUNY Fredonia 121-124 109 2907 1436 177 312 1 135 982 464 47.3 631 271 42.9 78.5
11. Gary Harris PG SUNY Fredonia 58-61 118 2184 1424 198 95 14 89 1045 449 43.0 609 247 40.6 82.8
12. Charles Raminez SG SUNY Fredonia 22-25 118 2852 1395 99 272 15 89 911 419 46.0 731 315 43.1 75.4
13. Gerald Bolton PF SUNY Fredonia 17-20 115 2393 1391 710 129 58 88 931 451 48.4 37 11 29.7 80.7
14. Joshua Williams SG SUNY Fredonia 65-68 126 2518 1386 204 241 2 109 914 443 48.5 769 359 46.7 65.6
15. Franklin Mathena C SUNY Fredonia 18-21 112 2800 1380 1044 28 148 69 1045 500 47.8 0 0 0.0 68.6
16. Ryan Reed C SUNY Fredonia 57-60 118 2885 1379 666 72 73 93 1061 530 50.0 29 3 10.3 67.5
17. Frank Wood C SUNY Fredonia 14-17 114 2921 1365 843 87 66 48 943 478 50.7 5 2 40.0 77.8
18. Jason Robertson C SUNY Fredonia 20-24 107 2260 1337 998 7 165 84 931 440 47.3 3 0 0.0 75.2
19. Stephen Kelso SG SUNY Fredonia 77-80 110 2299 1331 131 293 2 111 955 452 47.3 597 261 43.7 73.5
20. Timothy Drzazgowski SG SUNY Fredonia 72-76 119 2430 1290 240 221 4 175 948 416 43.9 635 254 40.0 72.9
21. David Florence C SUNY Fredonia 16-19 102 2029 1285 821 9 133 60 786 426 54.2 1 0 0.0 83.8
22. Marty Trudeau SG SUNY Fredonia 73-76 119 2422 1239 205 172 4 183 971 418 43.0 482 186 38.6 69.3
23. Matthew Bowman PG SUNY Fredonia 73-76 119 2431 1238 124 303 3 171 915 398 43.5 395 132 33.4 70.9
24. Charles Freeman SG SUNY Fredonia 27-30 110 2511 1230 207 222 37 53 868 384 44.2 578 237 41.0 66.6
25. Edward Brown SF SUNY Fredonia 31-34 112 2654 1220 454 156 8 51 852 394 46.2 542 230 42.4 73.7
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%