Record: 4-4 Conference: CC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 300 SOS: 356
Division III - Annville, PA
Homecourt: D
Home: 3-1 Away: 1-3
AVG 494
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Phillip Westmoreland C Lebanon Valley 16-19 111 3147 1750 996 19 145 81 1286 622 48.4 3 1 33.3 67.9
2. Michael Johnson PG Lebanon Valley 7-10 111 3707 1745 83 416 6 118 1681 586 34.9 1025 380 37.1 49.9
3. Theodore Harrell SG Lebanon Valley 119-122 118 2385 1667 138 252 0 197 1145 570 49.8 864 405 46.9 63.5
4. John Green PF Lebanon Valley 24-27 111 3098 1495 954 81 134 106 1137 561 49.3 3 1 33.3 55.0
5. Raymon Kowalewski SG Lebanon Valley 55-58 113 2352 1414 163 189 1 128 1061 474 44.7 869 384 44.2 73.9
6. Paul Frederick SG Lebanon Valley 11-14 110 3204 1362 163 227 7 51 980 425 43.4 711 299 42.1 64.5
7. James Malone PF Lebanon Valley 20-23 108 3112 1333 790 32 100 42 1135 489 43.1 242 80 33.1 62.1
8. Robert Eury SG Lebanon Valley 45-48 115 2540 1314 105 234 3 185 983 434 44.2 767 307 40.0 78.1
9. Gary Wheeler SG Lebanon Valley 80-83 110 2477 1312 220 134 0 159 1008 448 44.4 436 162 37.2 64.1
10. Donald Frank C Lebanon Valley 15-18 111 3102 1309 917 113 124 68 964 467 48.4 1 0 0.0 71.8
11. Brian Lincoln SG Lebanon Valley 19-22 91 3024 1267 48 377 1 70 839 384 45.8 590 266 45.1 77.9
12. Paul Rutski SG Lebanon Valley 127-130 115 2469 1258 157 208 0 158 990 423 42.7 592 237 40.0 70.3
13. Ryan Negrete PF Lebanon Valley 15-18 111 3074 1246 889 62 82 86 918 445 48.5 0 0 0.0 66.5
14. Rafael Dotson SF Lebanon Valley 7-10 110 3302 1197 656 101 18 106 1178 417 35.4 642 197 30.7 48.0
15. Stephen McLoone SF Lebanon Valley 49-52 110 2571 1193 218 102 8 79 990 398 40.2 601 218 36.3 74.6
16. Robert Johnson PG Lebanon Valley 129-132 114 2740 1187 248 447 1 213 931 398 42.7 397 126 31.7 71.4
17. Jarred Fuller SG Lebanon Valley 123-126 117 2340 1170 146 320 0 173 850 388 45.6 579 242 41.8 75.2
18. Michael Sampson C Lebanon Valley 31-34 111 2808 1157 750 72 91 73 959 455 47.4 1 0 0.0 70.4
19. Michael Dahl PF Lebanon Valley 2-5 110 3302 1155 908 11 57 96 1130 475 42.0 99 14 14.1 60.3
20. Donald Schipper C Lebanon Valley 18-21 110 2824 1143 882 64 119 51 774 399 51.6 62 18 29.0 71.9
21. Lonny Koenig PG Lebanon Valley 65-68 115 2353 1128 189 331 2 195 768 359 46.7 438 174 39.7 71.3
22. Louis Webb SF Lebanon Valley 24-27 102 2865 1126 394 118 9 52 933 366 39.2 532 191 35.9 69.3
23. Ronald Gutenberger PG Lebanon Valley 121-124 116 2212 1124 196 229 1 196 817 370 45.3 338 123 36.4 83.1
24. Zachary Strickland C Lebanon Valley 23-26 109 2821 1119 977 86 188 67 860 414 48.1 13 1 7.7 58.1
25. Robert Scheuerman SG Lebanon Valley 101-104 111 2181 1118 168 163 2 111 841 383 45.5 565 244 43.2 70.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%